четврток, 30 јануари 2014

Conference for Strengthening Gestalt therapists in CEI region

Dear colleagues and collaborators,

Counseling Facility for Humane Cooperation – Gestalt Training Institute, invites you to the Conference for Strengthening Gestalt therapists in CEI region”, 5th to 6th of April, 2014 in Skopje, R. Macedonia.

The conference for Strengthening Gestalt therapists in CEI region project is about increased communication and networking between Gestalt professionals and organizations. With organization of the first conference on Gestalt therapy, this project will contribute towards growth and development of the Gestalt therapy profession. The Central European Initiative is consisted from the following countries:  Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Albania, Austria, Belarus, Montenegro, Poland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy and Ukraine.

This conference will be just a beginning of further activities for strengthening Gestalt therapy as a profession which can be used and adapted in many other fields such as: economy, business development, human resources development, management etc.

The subject of the conference is Gestalt Practice in Organizations (GPO).

Participation details:

If you are interested to participate at the conference please send us an e-mail confirmation, not later than 5th of March at info@shs.com.mk . You will have opportunity to present the work of your Gestalt Training Institute at the conference – 30 minutes maximum time for presentation.

If you are available to present a study as a speaker at the conference please send us an abstract (100 words), not later than 15th of February, 2014 at info@shs.com.mk . The final presentation should be sent not later than 15th of March, 2014.

The registration fee for the conference is:
·         For Gestalt Therapists, from out of Macedonia – 100 Euros
·         For students of Gestalt Therapy, from out of Macedonia – 70 Euros
·         For participants from countries of South-Eastern Europe – 50 Euros

The Gestalt Training Institute from Macedonia will cover you travel expenses (in amount of a bus ticket, or if 3-4 people are coming from one country by car – the fuel is covered in amount of 0,31 EUR per kilometre).

The accommodation expenses are also covered (hotel information will be send to you additionally after confirmation of participation).

The final agenda will be sent to all participants on 10th of March, 2014.

Biljana Koprova,
General Manager of
Counseling Facility for Humane Cooperation

Gestalt Training Institute

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